Thursday, December 20, 2012

IF: Snow

Happy Holidays
IF: Snow
November 2012
watercolor and ink on paper

Let's Clean!

Time to tidy up for the holidays!

Let's Vacuum
watercolor on paper
December 2012

Let's Mop
watercolor on paper
December 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tomie de Paola Contest Entry

Here's my entry for the SCBWI - Tomie de Paola contest! 

Little Women
ink on paper
December 2012

Here is a link to the unofficial contest blog - see all of the other entries here!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IF: Stretch

watercolor on paper 
September 2011

This is what happens when tree pose gets out of hand - been there! I painted this a year ago, but it works perfectly for the IF word of the week   s  t  r  e  t  c  h!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wedding Dress Fashion Sketch

Wedding Dress Fashion Drawing
Wedding Date: June 23
For Katie Busbey

watercolor, ink, pencil on archival paper
November, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Christmas Tree Ornament

I'm working on a few custom painted ornaments for the holidays. 
Picture isn't great quality, but I'll post more as they are completed. 

Inn at Little Washington
acrylic on glass ornament
November 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Cow Jumped Over the Moon...

The cow knew he had jumped over the moon. 
What he didn't realize was that all of the other farm animals jumped with him.

Watercolor on paper
November 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

IF: Shy

Leonard was a little bit shy, but Doris was not.

IF: Shy
watercolor on paper
November 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dance, Dance

A little something I'm working on. 
Watercolor on paper
October 2012

I'm going to practice my new picture framing skills with this one. I'll post pictures soon!

IF: Water

IF: Water
It's tough learning how to drink water out of a regular cup after a year of bottles. 
Inspired by the one and only Patrick Busbey.
Watercolor on paper
October 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Digital Drawing
October 2012

From a secret superhero project we are working on...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shoe Sales Lady

A little something I whipped up at school today! Ink on paper. October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

IF: Mirror

IF: Mirror
Trying on Mom's dress.

Pencil and digital sketch
October 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fashion Ladies

Fashion Lady from Fashion Drawing
Pencil on Paper
Made fresh today!

IF: Books

"If: Book"
pencil on paper
I would have liked to spend the day reading yesterday. It was so rainy!

Tried this one with a little digital mood lighting. I'll have to keep practicing with my digital painting.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

IF: Tall

"Giraffes Just Wanna Have Fun"
An oldie, but a goodie - works perfectly for IF: Tall because, let's face it, giraffes are tall!

Watercolor on paper
Winter 2012

Things to do...

I love to bake and bake and bake....

But I hate to do the dishes!

watercolor on paper
August 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

IF: Bounce

IF: Bounce
August 2012
watercolor and gouache on paper

Something in honor of the Olympics that also works for Illustration Friday. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Up the Hill, Down the Hill

Walking to school, up the hill. 

Winter, spring, summer, and fall - up the hill.

Sometimes we walk up the hill backwards...

And skip down the other side. 

I'm working on a story about a girl and her walk to school. These are a few of the images I've been working on. All are watercolor on paper.

IF: Carry

IF: Carry
watercolor on paper
July 2012

It's been a while, but here is my latest Illustration Friday submission! Happy to be back to my regularly scheduled weekly painting!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


IF: Shiny
June 2012

I ran out of time this week! There is just too much going on, but here is what I have for this week's Illustration Friday topic - shiny. It's just a sketch, but someday I'll turn it into a painting.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Painted Letters

Painted letters for a child's bedroom. I'll post the pictures of the letters hung in the bedroom soon. They hung them over their newborn's crib. Surprise! His name is Rory and his bedroom has a truck/ construction theme!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This dog is in no hurry!

IF: Hurry!
watercolor on paper
June 2012

Blog on the Road!

TX to CT
watercolor on paper
June 2012

Starting next weekend, I will begin a journey across the country from Dallas, Texas to Westport, CT with my sister Katie. She is bringing two of her three dogs and the mini van cross-country in the first wave of her family's three-part move to Connecticut. During the second wave, her 1.5 year old son with fly with his grandmother (our mother, bless her heart) to CT and the third wave will include her husband, his cousin, the third dog, and the pick up truck. Please come along for the ride starting next weekend for a cross-country tour that will include drawing, blogging, books on tape, stories from our youth, and what we hope will be a trip filled with more laughing than crying.

Monday, May 28, 2012


The three hooligans hoped that they had faded into the wallpaper, so that the girl would not see them.  

Illustration Friday: Faded
watercolor on paper
May 28, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

IF: Sight

"Story Time"
watercolor on paper
May 2012

"The View at Sunset"
watercolor on paper
May 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kernel of Hope

This week I had a few ideas for Illustration Friday's word of the week - kernel. I actually made five, but the other two were not worthy. These are all about a little kernel of hope for something just out of reach. I hope you enjoy!

watercolor on paper

"So Close"
watercolor on paper

watercolor on paper

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Party Animals

Check out this fabric design created by mokoandco ( with my drawings!

Monday, May 7, 2012

A new business venture??

This is the cover of a recipe book I painted for a friend's bridal shower. 

It was a lot of fun to paint! The couple met in Boston, love to ski and fish, have a cat named Wakefield, are getting married down the Cape, and now live in London. There are lots of other fun, little details as well like the wedding date and their college logo aprons. 

Here's Heather with her new recipe book! Can't wait to make another one!!

acrylic on leather scrapbook
approximately 8.5" x 12"
April 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Illustration Friday: Hitched

This week I have an anti-bullying story for Illustration Friday: 
How the Elephants Pants got Hitched

Once upon a time, there was an elephant whose pants just wouldn't stay up; he was very sad. 

The birdies in the neighborhood just laughed and laughed. Except for one. 

And that one birdie knew just how to make the elephant smile. 

The elephant simply needed his pants hitched

Moral of the story: 
Don't be a bully birdie,
Be a buddy birdie.
Otherwise you're just a bird brain!

watercolor on paper
May, 2012